People were rightly outraged when the show South Park was censored because they tried to poke fun at Mohammed. Comedy Central bowed to Muslim extremists and chose to enforce dhimmitude on themselves, so now I'll refer to the network as Comedhimmi Censored.
Now Arizona has passed a law to protect it's citizens from illegal aliens. Predictably the illegal aliens mount a protest. I went to Washington DC on "May Day" to see the "immigration" protest in Lafayette Park just across the street from the White House. I didn't dare counter-protest because I've seen what happens when just one person dares to stand up for the rule of law. (The near riot in Phoenix just after the SB1070 bill was signed.) Not that I'm a wimp, I volunteered and went to work in Iraq to help protect our soldiers from roadside bombs.
In a nation of 300 million, not one voice was heard in our nation's capitol in favor of the rule of law. I didn't see a single person stand up for Arizona, Governor Jan Brewer, the sheriff that was shot just the day before by drug smugglers, the Constitution, or the citizens of this country. I was alone and justifiably worried for my well being. (I was asking people to sign a bogus petition that was against illegal immigration.)
I spoke to many of the protesters. Not one said they were worried about being arrested or harassed as an illegal alien. Nor were they concerned that ICE would round up any foreign nationals. How is it that a foreign national feels secure complaining about the laws of this nation in front of the White House, but a citizen that supports the rule of law must remain camouflaged?
Many complained when President Obama bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. A chorus of, "America doesn't bow to anyone!" went up from lots of folks. Well, as it turns out we bow very well. We bow to the politically correct crowd of multiculturalists every time they complain about the USA. We don't stand up to these people that demand open borders and the ruin of our society. How can our citizens win a fight they refuse to show up for? Forfeit is not a winning plan.
America, why was I alone? Where were you when I needed you?
You makes some great points.
ReplyDeleteI think mainly patriots don't want to engage in much of what we have seen with many of these immigration rallies, which have been often violent and hate filled. TEA party types have already been demonized as "political terrorists" and old white guys who are racist. I think there is a certain desire to separate from this kind of thing, yet they will label us anyway as they have done to those who support the Arizona bill. I don't know about you but I have been to DC protesting at least 5 times in the last year. It's been both incredible and frustrating. With the majority of Americans against illegal immigration, maybe people feel there is another way to do this?
I really don't know. I think maybe most of us share the fear you do and that is sad.
Thanks for adding me to you blog roll and good luck with the blogosphere! The more conservative voices the better, so good job and keep it up and keep in touch!